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Introduction of Wiring Harness

wiring harnesses are the blood vessels and nerves that connect the car's electrical system, and they are very important components. wiring harnesses are widely used and can be used in automobiles, household appliances, computers and communication equipment, various electronic instruments and meter

Function And Process Production of Motorcycle Wiring Harness

Motorcycle wiring harness consists of wires, connectors, harness wrappers, harness fixtures (buckles, rubber parts, harness brackets), and harness accessories. The standard of the Motorcycle wiring harness mainly calculates its crimping rate, and the crimping rate calculation requires a special inst

​The importance of public transportation wiring harness

The importance of public transportation wiring harness The wiring harness is the main body of the network of automotive circuits, without the harness, there would be no automotive circuit, the harness becomes the same, it is made of copper punching and contact parts terminals (connectors) and wire a

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